El Ayuntamiento de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria reforzará la atención y la información turística para atender a los 23.000 turistas de cruceros que desembarcarán en la Ciudad en los próximos 7 días, a bordo de once grandes hoteles flotantes. Mañana jueves 25 de octubre coincidirán tres grandes cruceros y dos días después, el sábado 27, la Ciudad vivirá un gran día de llegada de turistas con cuatro buques que traerán a la Ciudad, 8.133 pasajeros.
La Concejalía de Turismo pondrá todo su esfuerzo en reforzar la información que reciban estos cruceristas una vez desembarquen en el Muelle Santa Catalina. Informadores turísticos se moverán en modernos Segways (transporte eléctrico de dos ruedas preparado para moverse en zonas urbanas de forma rápida y silenciosa) personalizados con la imagen de la marca turística de la Ciudad a fin de orientar a los pasajeros para facilitarles su visita en la Ciudad y distribuirán planos e información promocional. También se reforzará la atención en los puntos de información turística del Muelle, Parque Santa Catalina, Las Canteras, San Telmo y Plaza Hurtado de Mendoza.
La Guagua Turística reforzará sus servicios con un nuevo vehículo de dos pisos, cuya llegada a la Ciudad está prevista para el próximo viernes. De esta manera, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria contará con 6 Guaguas Turísticas que se mantendrán durante toda la temporada alta de cruceros, hasta el próximo mes de abril. El resto del año, el servicio se cubre con cuatro vehículos para visitas turísticas.
Durante esta semana y para recibir a los miles de cruceristas que recibirá la capital grancanaria la empresa concesionaria del servicio de la Guagua Turística, City Sightseeing, garantiza una frecuencia de salida de 12 minutos, con una previsión de realizar 33 tour por la ciudad cada día. En este sentido, suelen captar entre el 10 y el 14 % de los pasajeros que viajan en estos grandes barcos.
Llegada de cruceros y número de pasajeros
Jueves 25 de octubre
Rotterdam: 1.316
Independence of the Seas: 3.634
Thompson Dream: 1.773
Viernes 26 de octubre
AIDAcara: 1.180 (Puerto Base)
Sábado 27 de octubre
Thompson Dream: 1.773
Star Flyer Clipper: 170
Grand Princess: 2.590
Ventura: 3.600
Domingo 28 de octubre
Grand Princess: 2.592
Miércoles 31 de octubre
AIDAsol: 2.780
Adventure of the Seas: 3.114
Maasdam: 1.258
Big week of cruise ship tourist arrival at Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
The City Council of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria will increase the attention and tourist information to receive the 23.000 cruise tourists who will come to the city in the next 7 days onboard eleven large floating hotels. Tomorrow Thursday the 25th of October three large cruise ships will come together, and two days later, Saturday the 27th, the city will enjoy a big day having four ships bringing 8.133 passengers to the city.
The Council of Tourism will work hard to strengthen the information these cruise tourists receive once gone ashore at Santa Catalina Dock. Tourist informers will move on modern Segways (two-wheeled electric transport to move quick and silent through urban areas) customised ad-hoc with the image and tourists brand of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in order to guide passengers and make their visit to the City easier, giving out maps and promotional information. Attention at the Tourist Information Points right at the Dock, Parque Santa Catalina, Las Canteras Beach, Parque San Telmo and Hurtado de Mendoza Square will also be improved.
The tourist bus will offer more services adding another double-decker bus that will arrive at Las Palmas de Gran Canaria next Friday. The city will therefore have 6 tourist buses covering the whole cruise ship high season until April 2013. The rest of the year, this tourist bus service will be covered with four units.
Along this week, and in order to receive such many tourists, City Sightseeing, the Tourist Bus service concessionaire will guarantee a departure frequency of 12 minutes between units that will service 33 tours through the city every day. This service attracts the 10%-14% of passengers who travel in these large ships.
Cruise ship arrivals and number of passengers
Thursday 25th October
Rotterdam: 1.316
Independence of the Seas: 3.634
Thompson Dream: 1.773
Friday 26th October
AIDAcara: 1180 (Base Port)
Saturday 27th October
Thompson Dream: 1.773
Star Flyer Clipper: 170
Grand Princess: 2.590
Ventura: 3.600
Sunday 28th October
Grand Princess: 2.592
Wednesday 31st October
AIDAsol: 2.780
Adventure of the Seas: 3.114
Maasdam: 1.258
The City Council of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria will increase the attention and tourist information to receive the 23.000 cruise tourists who will come to the city in the next 7 days onboard eleven large floating hotels. Tomorrow Thursday the 25th of October three large cruise ships will come together, and two days later, Saturday the 27th, the city will enjoy a big day having four ships bringing 8.133 passengers to the city.
The Council of Tourism will work hard to strengthen the information these cruise tourists receive once gone ashore at Santa Catalina Dock. Tourist informers will move on modern Segways (two-wheeled electric transport to move quick and silent through urban areas) customised ad-hoc with the image and tourists brand of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in order to guide passengers and make their visit to the City easier, giving out maps and promotional information. Attention at the Tourist Information Points right at the Dock, Parque Santa Catalina, Las Canteras Beach, Parque San Telmo and Hurtado de Mendoza Square will also be improved.
The tourist bus will offer more services adding another double-decker bus that will arrive at Las Palmas de Gran Canaria next Friday. The city will therefore have 6 tourist buses covering the whole cruise ship high season until April 2013. The rest of the year, this tourist bus service will be covered with four units.
Along this week, and in order to receive such many tourists, City Sightseeing, the Tourist Bus service concessionaire will guarantee a departure frequency of 12 minutes between units that will service 33 tours through the city every day. This service attracts the 10%-14% of passengers who travel in these large ships.
Cruise ship arrivals and number of passengers
Thursday 25th October
Rotterdam: 1.316
Independence of the Seas: 3.634
Thompson Dream: 1.773
Friday 26th October
AIDAcara: 1180 (Base Port)
Saturday 27th October
Thompson Dream: 1.773
Star Flyer Clipper: 170
Grand Princess: 2.590
Ventura: 3.600
Sunday 28th October
Grand Princess: 2.592
Wednesday 31st October
AIDAsol: 2.780
Adventure of the Seas: 3.114
Maasdam: 1.258