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Here are some of the leisure proposals for this month of May in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Live the LPA Taste, LPA History, LPA Events and LPA Shopping experiences at Capital City. 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th May - Vegueta Titbits Route. LPA Taste 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th & 31st May - Guanarteme Titbits Route. LPA Taste 3rd & 4th May - 1st Gran Canaria Historic Rally (Plaza Stagno) http://www.grancanariahistoricrallye.com 4th May - Spring Bazaar at the Holy Trinity Church of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. 12noon to 4pm. www.laspalmasanglican.com 5th May - LPA Sunday Shopping Party at Triana & Vegueta http://www.lpavisit.com LPA Shopping 8th, 9th, 10th & 11th May - Animayo 2013 (VIII Animation Cinema Festival) Guiniguada Theatre and CICCA http://www.animayo.com 9th May - Wagner Works (Philharmonic Orchestra of Gran Canaria) at Alfredo Kraus Auditorium http://www.auditorio-alfredokraus.com 10th May - Good Night Triana. LPA Shopping 10th May - AC/DC Tribute - at Guiniguada Theatre http://www.elteatroguiniguada.com 10th & 11th May - Yerma (Federico García Lorca) at Cuyás Theatre http://www.teatrocuyas.com 11th May 8pm - 3rd Hip-Hop Festival behind Plaza de la Música http://www.lpavisit.com 12th May 12 noon - Airshow by Spain’s Air Force Acrobatic Team “Patrulla Águila” at Las Canteras Beach http://www.lpavisit.com 17th May 8.30pm - Rolling Smokes (Rolling Stones Tribute) at CICCA http://www.lpavisit.com 19th, 21st, 23rd y 25th May - Mozart’s Die Entführung Aus Dem Serail (Opera) at Pérez Galdós Theatre http://www.teatroperezgaldos.com 20th May - Sol Gabetta (cello) at Pérez Galdós Theatre http://www.teatroperezgaldos.com 24th, 25th y 26th May - San Cristóbal Sabor a Mar - Gastronomy & Sea Festival. Fishing borough of San Cristóbal. http://www.lpavisit.com LPA Taste. 24th y 25th May - Woody Allen’s Husbands and Wives at Cuyás Theatre http://www.teatrocuyas.com 24th, 25th y 26th May - Manta&Estameña (Gofiones y Sabandeños) at Alfredo Kraus Auditorium http://www.auditorio-alfredokraus.com